This function enables cleaners to carry out unscheduled cleaning during their tour.
Cleaning with own service input
If the function is activated for a tour, the tour can be executed like all other tours. Areas are scheduled and these can be completed normally.
On all surfaces and categories, which are assigned to this tour, additionally own cleanings can be released. A cleaning on an area can be triggered as often as necessary.
Please note:
- In contrast to the scheduled cleaning, the cleaning cannot be undone.
- In contrast to the planned cleaning, only the selected services are completed, all other services are not booked as completed.
- If services are planned on an area (Planning system), these services must be performed first. After that, a new cleaning can be performed.
When one or more services are completed on a surface, the services are automatically synchronized again so that the same frequencies appear together again. The earliest date is used for synchronization.
There are two services ("Empty trash" and "Clean surfaces") with a frequency of 1x per week. Both services are due the day after tomorrow. If the cleaner empties the trash today and completes this service, but does not complete "Clean surfaces", both services will appear again the day after tomorrow. However, if the cleaner completes both services, the services will not appear again for another week.
Navigate to Tours under the Economic entity menu item and then to the Tour management tab. Edit the tour by clicking on the three dots at the end of the line.
Select Self cleaning for the cleaning tour type.
Display in the app
If you select an area that does not need to be cleaned in the tour, the area can now be cleaned anyway. To do this, click on the blue Clean anyway button.
All categories and service types assigned to the tour will be displayed.
If the cleaning is completed, the area will appear with a dark green in the app.
Display in tour activities
The cleaning is displayed on the overview as a normal cleaning. In the area analysis (click on area), the info icon is displayed with the info text Cleaning triggered by cleaning staff.
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