Generic area types in soobr represent the standard configuration of tasks, performance numbers and frequencies used for a specific surface. They correspond to the configuration of tasks, performance numbers and frequencies most commonly used for this area.
Generic area types
For example, if a performance number of 300 is to be used in every office in a building except in two and the activity types to be provided are identical, all offices except two offices represent a generic area.
Create generic area types
The creation of new generic area types is described in article Create area types.
Editing generic area types
To edit a generic area, first click on Cleaning Process in the main menu and then on the Area Types tab. By clicking on the name of the desired area or on the (...) symbol belonging to the area and clicking on Edit, the editing mask can be opened. If the check mark is set to with special areas, these are also displayed and can be edited. Special areas can be recognized by the small arrow in front of the name.
Create a new special area
By clicking on Create a new special area, a new window opens, where the name must be entered.
After clicking on Create, the special area appears below the generic area type.
Duplicate generic area types
When the Cleaning Process and the Area Types tab are selected in the main menu, you can duplicate the area type by clicking on the (...) symbol associated with the area and then clicking Duplicate. An identical copy of the area type is created.
Visibility Icon / Apply label for areas
After the color, label and icon have been selected on an area type, this setting can be applied to all areas of an area type on the building plan. This is done by clicking on Visibility Icons / Apply labels for areas.
Deleting generic area types
To delete a generic area, first click on Cleaning Process in the main menu and then on the Area Types tab. By clicking on the (...) symbol belonging to the area and clicking on Delete, the area type can be deleted.
Fast editing (copy & paste) of activity types settings
If an activity type is adjusted (activated / frequency adjusted / weekdays adjusted), the adjustment is automatically saved to the clipboard.
If you then right-click on another area type, the settings are applied. This also works with several browser windows and in the service directory.
Attention: When first clicking on the right mouse button, a release of the clipboard must be made.
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