The cleaning frequency view is displaying the cleaning frequencies of surfaces on the economic unit.
Cleaning frequency
The term cleaning frequency stands for the repetition rate of the cleaning process on a surface in one period. For example, in an economic unit with a five-day week calculation basis, a cleaning frequency of five means that the cleaning process is carried out five times a week. In other words, the room is cleaned on a daily basis. Hence, a cleaning frequency of 1 in the same economic unit, means that this area is cleaned once in the respective period.
Calculation of the cleaning frequency
The frequency calculation is based on the difference between the last and the next area closure that took place in the user interface. The weekend is not taken into account. For example, if an area was last completed on Friday, 15.01.2021, and then completed again on Monday, 18.01.2021, at 17:00, there will be 24 hours between the area closures for Soobr.
The exact time at which the area was completed is important. For example, if on 15.01.2021 at 17:00 the area of interest has been completed, and then on 18.01.2021 the area is already completed at 12:00, the system will take into account that only 19 hours and not 24 hours have passed. This can result in a daily frequency in a 5-day building being more than 5.1 (if a completion period is less than 24 hours away from the next) or 4.9 (if a completion period is more than 24 hours away from the next) over a short period of observation. Such differences are compensated over a longer period of time.
When evaluating on a monthly basis, it must be noted that a month does not always include four complete weeks. For example, a month can be 4 weeks and a day, which in turn can have an influence on the designated frequency. In such cases, it may make sense to check the number of transactions in the data room in order to be able to prove to the customer that the area has been cleaned according to the agreed frequency.
Main View
The upper column diagram in the main view represents the cleaning area types on the x-axis and the respective implemented cleaning frequency on the y-axis. The lower column diagram gives an insight into the cleaning frequencies for each cleaning area. Specifically, the surface names are visible on the X-axis and their cleaning frequency on the y-axis. The view of the two diagrams can be customized with the gray slide bar so that any number of surfaces or surface types will be displayed. The corresponding columns are ordered in a descending fashion according to the cleaning frequency (y-axis). For more details, one can click on a column that will show the details below the lower diagram at the bottom of the page.
When you click on a column of the Area Types chart, only the areas of the corresponding area type are displayed in the lower details diagram. This view can be undone by clicking the respective column again.
For more details regarding the surfaces, the column of the corresponding surface can be clicked. The details of this surface are displayed below the area diagram, at the very bottom. The details table is explained below. To undo this view, the column can be clicked again on the one hand, or by hitting the close details button.
Column |
Description |
Closed Date |
Corresponds to the date and primeval period on which the corresponding area was completed. |
Floor |
Displays the floor on which the corresponding area is located |
Cleaning Area |
Name of the corresponding area, according to the building plan. |
Tour |
Tour that has cleaned the corrsponding area |
Days since last cleaning |
This entry provides information on how many days have between past between the current and the previous cleaning. It takes into account that an area can also be cleaned of several tours. Hence, this value can be zero as well. |
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