An area in soobr is a room or an area that is treated as a unit in the cleaning. An office, a toilet, a forecourt in front of a building or a foyer can be an area.
Area View in the Business Entity
In the area view under the menu item Business unit, all created areas are displayed on the left, sorted by the respective floor. On the right side you can see the building plan with the corresponding legend.
The filter can be used to search specifically for areas or to filter for certain buildings or properties such as area types, special areas and allocations.
By clicking on the field Show advanced filters, further filters can be evoked. Here you can filter by area in sqm, frequency and floors.
Download room book
To download the room book for a floor, click on the download button above the list of areas. The room book is downloaded as an Excel file.
If filters are applied before downloading a room book, only the filtered data
is downloaded to an Excel file.
Edit areas
If you click on the area name in the list or on the area in the building plan, a window opens in which you can make settings for the area.
Here it is possible to edit the reference ID as well as the area name and the area type.
The marking, the correction factor as well as the earliest and latest cleaning time can be set by clicking on the blue Edit button. The correction factor is used when the effective cleaning relevant area of a room is significantly smaller than the total area.
Differentiation of surface type and special surface
A generic area type without a special area can only be edited via the area types overview.
A special area can also be created, edited or deleted directly in this view.
If you try to edit a more generic area type, a message is displayed that this is not possible.
Create, delete or edit special areas
Under the drop-down menu »Specialized area« you can create new special areas by clicking on Manage special areas.
By clicking on + Create new cleaning area type, another window opens, where you enter a name and then click on Save.
The window closes by clicking Back to Surface Editing.
Finally, you have to select the special area in the dropdown menu.
Definition of Area Type
Under »Definition Area Type« all settings can be made, which can also be made in the Generic Area Types.
Change Area Type
To change only the surface type of a surface, you can select the surface in the list on the left by clicking on the circle and select another surface type from the dropdown menu in the bar below. This option is also only possible for special surfaces.
By clicking on Save, the change is accepted.
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