You can use the notification calendar to control which tour to which time is to be notified of triggered jobs and multiple trigger.
This feature is used when areas are assigned to several tours that are present at the same time, but an order or multiple release is to be sent specifically to a cleaning tour.
To access this feature, please contact Customer Support so that they can activate the notification calendar.
As soon as the calendar has been activated, it will be visible under the “Cleaning tour planning” tab.
As soon as the “Notifications” calendar is activated, the calendar entries can be set in the same way as for cleaning tour planning.
If no entries are set in the notification calendar, the system triggers the multiple activations or orders, but they are not displayed to the cleaning staff in the app.
Settings for multiple triggering
For the assignment of multiple triggering via the notification calendar to work, it is essential that the tour that is to receive the multiple triggering is assigned to an area and that the notification type “Direct acceptance” or “Acceptance with query” has been set for the tours in the tour management.
Settings for orders
If a tour has an entry in the “Notifications” calendar but no assignment in the area, it can still receive orders. However, it must also have “Direct acceptance” or “Acceptance with query” set for the notification type in the tours in tour management.
If an order is triggered that is directly assigned to a specific tour, the tour that should be notified according to the entry in the “Notifications” calendar will not be notified.
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