In the Analytics tool »Savings from sensors«, the number of cleanings saved according to frequency or the number of additional cleanings triggered are shown for business entities with sensors. Vacation days are deducted. Savings < 0.5 cleanings are not taken into account.
Savings from sensors
In the menu on the left it is possible to select the desired viewing period, as well as to filter by area types, tours, areas, buildings or floors.
Number of more or fewer cleanings by sensors
In the first diagram the number of more or less cleanings by sensors is displayed. For example, if an area has a maximum cleaning frequency of 1x per week, any cleaning performed before the end of a weekly period is counted as extra cleaning. If, on the other hand, an area has, for example, a maximum cleaning frequency of 5x per week (every working day) and the surface is only triggered after three days, two less-cleanings are recorded.
Clicking on the graphic opens a table below it, which shows each saving per area.
Each calculated cleaning is listed individually. Vacation days are shown and not included as savings. Weekends are also not taken into account, if applicable. If cleaning is performed before the calculated last cleaning date, this will be deducted from the savings.
Cleanings count per cleaning area which where triggered later by sensors
In the second diagram, all subsequently triggered cleanings per surface are displayed.
Clicking on a surface in the graph opens a table below it that shows the surface details for the selected area.
Each saving is shown individually with the real last cleaning date and the completion date. In addition, it is shown whether a cleaning was triggered by the event limit or by the fallback.
With a click on the i-symbol the calculation is displayed in another table.
Number of cleanings per area that were triggered earlier by sensors
Here you can see all previously triggered cleanings per area.
The diagrams can also be displayed in tabular form. Simply click on the table icon .
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