From an architectural point of view, a building usually corresponds to an independent building or a self-contained part of a building. In soobr, however, the demarcation can be chosen individually if this serves better orientation. Buildings are in turn divided into floors and sections. A building contains at least one floor, and a floor contains at least one area. An area is often a room or an area such as a hallway that is cleaned uniformly from a cleaning perspective.
Manage buildings
The Building overview window, which is located in the main menu under the Business entities menu item, is central for creating and editing buildings and floors - all these functions can be performed from this window.
The following print screen shows where which functions can be performed.
Create new building
Clicking +Create a new building opens a window where the following items are specified:
Reference ID: Designation of the building
Building name: building name, which will be displayed in the app
Number of floors: the number of floors
Change building and floor name
Clicking on the building or floor name opens the window for editing the name:
Reference ID: The designation of the building to be used in the cockpit.
Building name: A different building name for the display in the app, if applicable.
Edit building
The 3-dot icon (...) shows different options for the building. Thus, this button can be used to change the name of the building, add floors or delete buildings.
Here you can change the reference ID and the building name (see Change building name).
Create new floor
If you want to create a new floor, you have to enter a reference ID (name of the floor) and a floor name. The floor name can also be different if necessary. It is displayed in the app.
Add floors
Via this function it is possible to create several floors at once.
Attention! If a building will be deleted,
all related data will also be deleted (Floors, Areas, Activities)
Change the order of buildings and floors
When the mouse is moved to the left edge of the building to be moved, the mouse pointer displays a symbol consisting of four arrows. With Drag&Drop the building can be moved to the desired position. This function is also possible for the floors.
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