Each cleaner needs cleaning materials such as rags, toilet paper, soap, etc. If new material is needed, the cleaner can request it in the app. Another cleaner can then order the missing material. However, all required material types must first be managed or created in the cockpit.
Material orders in the app
Via the app, an order can be placed as well as an order can be executed. Depending on the authorization, the user can use both functions or only one of the two. Email addresses can be stored in the business entity settings, which will be notified when an order is executed.
The function is not implemented to replace a material management. For a material management there are very good tools on the market and on demand soobr can implement an interface. The function covers the simple ordering of material for a cleaner and the distribution of the ordered material, for example by a daily cleaner.
To place an order, one has to open the user menu by clicking on the user icon in the upper right corner.
The following view will open:
Order material
If one clicks now on Order material, a new window opens.
Now click on Add material order.
Here you can select the business entity on the top left and the building on the right.
In the list you will find all material types that have been created in the cockpit, including a description and the packaging unit. By clicking on the + and - symbols under the Quantity column, the order quantity can be entered. If you click on the round arrow to the right, the quantity will be reset to 0. If there is a photo symbol at the end of the line, you can view a photo of the material type here by clicking on it. In addition, a comment can be entered at the bottom.
Once you have entered all the necessary materials, click on Save.
Material order overview
If you click on Material order overview in the user menu, a new window will open.
If you click on the eye icon under Actions, details of the order will be displayed.
In the list here you can see all orders that the user has placed. The business entity, date, status and actions are displayed.
Using the Packed? checkbox, the user can mark which materials he has already packed into the order.
Using the In Progress buttons he can set an order in progress (not yet completed) or with Delivered the user can give the feedback that the order has been delivered.
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